Ravista helistintä ja rullaa 1993

Comedy Horror

Shake--a heartthrob campus teacher appeared to be a monster. Rattle--a mysterious creature starts to kidnap children near the park. Roll--In the final episode, a manananggal (mythical creature of Filipino folklore) is haunting and...

Tous les titres
  • Ravista helistintä ja rullaa 4
  • PH: Shake Rattle & Roll IV Shake Rattle & Roll IV
  • DE: Shake Rattle & Roll IV Shake Rattle & Roll IV
  • PH: Shake Rattle and Roll 4 Shake Rattle and Roll 4
  • US: Shake Rattle & Roll IV Shake Rattle & Roll IV
Date de sortie 29 Jan 1993
Lien IMDb
